
Best Price Guarantee. It's our goal to provide you with the lowest possible price. If a retailer has an item available online at a lower final price, we will beat it by 5%

10% off Glass repair For NHS Staff (inc their family members)

Fast repair and Same day return (Some phones might take 1 working day in the current situation)

You don't need to back up the phone or give us the passcode. (100% Privacy Safe)

You love the crystal clear screen, we fix your cracked screen and keep all original displaying quality and functionalities.

Callout 24/7 available across West, Southwest London, fix your phone within 1 hour.

We provide a full VAT invoice or quote for your insurance claim, most small repair shops can't provide it at all.

LoveScreen(Sun Distribution LTD) 6 Eversley Road, Surbiton, KT5 8BG United Kingdom
Company ID:283321 VAT:GB859781166 
Tel: 0208 4090009


The dedicated WhatsApp number:07940447888